Without voting access for all and thoughtful election reform, the promise of our democracy remains unfulfilled.
A look back at legislative efforts supported by the AHA this year illustrates how much Congress has—or hasn’t—accomplished in 2021.
Policy distorts the concept of religious freedom to allow someone to weaponize their beliefs against workers.
“My nonreligious views, my belief in the goodness of humans, and especially my belief in the potential of our students, form the basis for my advocacy and leadership.”
A Republican sweep of statewide seats. However, there is some hope.
Republican sweep of statewide seats. However, there is some hope.
We must support the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to ensure safe and equal access to voting.
Nearly 20-year survey of AHA members finds that our community is spurred to action by deeply-held core values about the dignity of individuals, the separation of religion and government, and liberalism.
"Since I wouldn’t go to church to hear a political speech, why was I accepting the recital of a prayer at a governmental meeting?"
The Do No Harm Act would restore the RFRA to its original intent and ensure that religion cannot be used to justify harm against others.