The House has acted, and now must the Senate: remove the arbitrary ratification time limit to pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
Learn more about the attorney, community activist, and a leading advocate for the environment who serves North Carolina's 49th district.
Fighting against xenophobic policies so we can treat people with the empathy and dignity they deserve.
Learn about the AHA's first-ever virtual lobby day, in which over fifty humanist advocates met with congressional offices across the country to push for legislation to prevent using religious beliefs as a shield to discriminate.
“If anyone wants something done with a sense of purpose and urgency, leave it to a public servant who does not believe that there is any life beyond this one beautiful life we have the fortune of living now.”
Despite analyses of the narrow ruling in the LGBTQ+ foster care case, Amy Couch is outraged. Fulton v. Philadelphia is court-approved discrimination.
Tell the Senate that no one should be banned from entering the country based on discriminatory criteria.
A conservative-leaning SCOTUS to review Mississippi law restricting abortion rights.
Rep. Jamie Raskin introduced a resolution in the U.S. House to designate Friday, May 7, 2021, as a National Day of Reason.
Learn more about the CFC’s inaugural Thomas Paine Breakfast, co-hosted by Reps. Jamie Raskin and Jared Huffman.